Choosing Your Wedding Colors!

You may already know that deciding on your wedding colors might be important, but did you know that it is also necessary in order to start your wedding planning journey?

What is a wedding color palette?
It's a collection of colors that are used in a variety of ways throughout your wedding day, tying together almost every aspect of it. From invitations to floral arrangements, clothing, cake design and sometimes even the most unexpected details like your signature cocktails or wedding favors.

Your color palette will serve as a general guide for your wedding day aesthetic. See three simple steps on how to get started.

1. Get inspired by your wedding setting
One of the most crucial points is the location. The right choice of colors will highlight both the space and the decoration, without contrasting visually. For example, if your event space is moving in a neutral beige tone, you may want to choose a more vibrant color for your decor to brighten up the space. If your space is decorated with more colors, you can use more neutral combinations to harmonize with the existing aesthetics.

2. Don't forget your wedding must-haves
While your wedding venue greatly influences your color palette, you should also consider the favorite touches that you desire and cannot be missing from your dream wedding. For example, if you've always dreamed of having wedding flower arrangements filled with sunflowers, you'll need to include yellow in your palette. Use these must-have colors as a starting point, rather than trying to incorporate them into your wedding planning later.

3. Think seasonally
Just like your everyday wardrobe, your wedding colors can (and should) reflect the time of year it's taking place. As it is not tasteful to use all colors every month, the secret lies in the right adjustment. That is, if pink is your ideal wedding color, a soft pink tone is perfect for spring, soft purple and silver is a beautiful winter combination, while bright coral is a summer staple. Adding accent colors can also help lighten or darken your color palette for different seasons.